What is a CABE Conference?

CABE conferences offer a space for students, educators, parents and the community to come together and attend informational workshops and discuss the issue of bilingualism throughout the state.

This video offers extended information on the CABE Conference of 2010 in San Jose. These conferences, as the video explains, are among the leading conferences for educators and parents of English Learners and are held annually.

Oscar Medina, President of the Board of CABE, explains the importance of offering rewards to exceptional individuals “…in order to recognize and celebrate the many achievements that the members of our community across this great state bring to education and to the lives of children” (California Scenes, 2010).

Celebrating the commitment of parents through these conferences and recognitions is a great way to encourage involvement. The issue remains of how to gain access to these parents to get involved, let alone attend these conferences since it costs hundreds of dollars to attend.




California Scenes. “CABE Convention in San Jose.” YouTube. YouTube, 11 Mar. 2010. Web. 16 Apr. 2012. <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L1IcOvnkbSM&gt;.

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