Parents Helping Parents

I came across an informative video sponsored by Reading and Beyond that highlights ways in which parents can effectively get involved in their child’s education. This video is especially helpful because it offers first hand experiences of native Spanish speaking parents who were interested in having a stronger role in their child’s educational experience. Suggestions range from having conversations with their child about the school day, to attending workshops sponsored by the school, to getting involved in the board of education.

While all of this advice is certainly helpful for Spanish speaking parents and follows the mission of the CABE Inspire Campaign, my colleague brought up an interesting “reverse effect” phenomenon in which children are refusing to practice their native language despite strong parent involvement and encouragement.

This could be due to a lack of willingness, support or commitment by schools across the country, or could be a result of in-school pressures to “fit in” with the English only speakers etc. There are numerous possibilities as to why cases like this may come up, but surely there are also ways to address these obstacles.

While resistance or hesitation by children to practice their native language is not an issue specifically addressed by CABE’s Inspire Campaign, the organization does hold workshops which could potentially assist parents in their efforts to promote both languages in school and at home.

There are a number of workshops designed to address issues ranging  from school accountability, to open healthy lines of parent/student communication. These workshop modules are very well organized and comprehensive, outlining clear objectives, key concepts and outcomes.

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